Street Talks · Tel Aviv, Israel – Mariann & Hava

Among the many interesting people we met in the streets of Tel Aviv were these two stylish ladies. Mariann (left) 66, is a German store manager who has been living in Israel for over 30 years and Hava (right) 63, is working as a nurse in a local hospital.
TDA: What websites do you visit frequently?
Hava: Google and Israeli cooking blogs such as
Mariann: (TDA: This is one of the most popular fashion blogs in the world and our favourite too as it features only stylish people over 60)
TDA: What do you use the internet for?
Hava: Email, banking, video lessons and finding good recipes
Mariann: Business – Ordering products for the shop, emailing manufacturers and following latest fashion trends. Personal – Skyping with my family in Germany & England.
TDA: What are your favourite apps?
Hava: WhatsApp & Waze (which was developed by an Israeli company and recently purchased by Google for $1 billion)
Mariann: Waze, Google Maps, Pragon, Youtube, WhatsApp and Google Earth