Talking about life with Marea

Who does’t love browsing through magazines? Me too, I just don’t understand why they only use young models and even then do some magic on the photos with image editing programs. Don’t you think that beauty and style could get even better as we get older? As proof we would like to introduce you to the stylish Marea Donovan, 77 (yes, this is not a typo – she is really 77). We photographed Marea with a white suit she picked from her closet and a summer dress we chose for her to show two different styles. We couldn’t help but ask her about her life and beauty routine.
TDA: Could you give us a bit of a background?
Marea: I have been happily married to one man for 51 years (we were married the day President Kennedy was assassinated). We have five adult children: two daughters and three sons, and eight grandchildren ranging in age from 1 to 16 years. I am very involved with the six grandchildren who live in Sydney. I am a retired lawyer and for the last 20 years I have been very involved at a local and national level, with Spirituality in the Pub (SIP).
TDA: How come you are so fit?
Marea: I am a gym junky. I try to go to the gym 3 days a week and walk on the other days. I always walk up and down stairs and escalators at shopping centres and train stations. When we go on holidays we try to stay at places which have a gym and interesting places to walk. I try to think as a child – children never want to sit still for a moment – always keeping on the move. I reckon if I can keep moving most of the time – both physical and mentally – that this will help combat some of the frailties accompanying the ageing process.
TDA: Please tell us about your beauty routine…
Marea: Because I spent too much time in the sun when I was young, both playing sport and lying around getting a sun tan (!), I have had many pre-cancerous marks removed from my face. So, come summer, out comes the sunscreen and hats. Throughout the year I use QV cream on all of my body including my face. My main face makeup is Clinique age defense BB cream broad spectrum which has an SPF 30 sunblock component.