Talking Beauty with Nada

We all have our tricks and tips for makeup and hair styling. Some spend an hour every morning on their look while others can be out of the house quickly. I am always curious to hear about beauty habits and this time we are talking with Nada, who will be celebrating 60 next year.
TDA: What is your makeup ritual?
Nada: I barely wear makeup but I won’t leave the house without my red lipstick (Ruby Woo lipstick by mac). I use a makeup foundation only when I go out.
TDA: Tell us a bit about your hair style.
Nada: I have been with short hair for nearly 20 years but only lately decided to go with the grey. My cousin was diagnosed with cancer and told me that she is going to shave her head before the treatment so I have decided to do it with her. My hair is naturally black but since the age of 18 it started greying so I coloured it over the years. Only 4 months ago, when I shaved my head, I decided I will stop colouring it.
TDA: You have amazing skin.. How do you take care of it?
Nada: I clean my face with Dove soap – the same one I have in the shower.
I moisturise my skin with sorbolene cream and I always a wear hat in the sun.