SALE LA VIE |Casual & Chic

Here is a quick question for you… How do you keep growing your wardrobe without going bankrupt? Our trick is only buying SALE items. Some companies mark down items to 1/3 of their original prices. While at the physical shop the sale area might be too busy and at times unappealing – online shopping makes it super easy to buy sale items all year around.
Sale La Vie is a regular feature on TDA and this time we chose items that are causal and stylish – with the aim of making you feel comfortable while looking good and trendy. The idea is not to dress up like a 20 something year old so we took into account the limits of a mature body with the natural desire to be fashionable. 01. Trench coat 02. Earrings 03. Jacket 04. Boyfriend jeans (we love the name…) 05. Bag 06. Boot